The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

600full-the-shawshank-redemption-poster BEHOLD! The highest rated film in IMDB !

Frankly, i had not read about the synopsis before starting to watch this. I was worried that I’m going to be bored to death as the film goes on, we all know some of the famous movies are known for being too long-winded and dull. Somehow, after the first few minutes, i was magnetized till the end.

A Brief Synopsis

A man named Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) was wrongfully jailed for a crime he did not commit, there he met a con, Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding (Morgan Freeman) who is capable of supplying different types of items to the inmates. Both were bonded over the years, sharing happiness and despair towards the end.


I'm extremely impressed with the detailed storyline well-written, screenplay and the good selection of actors. The film is carefully produced so that the viewer can actually fully understand the whole process of the story without being confused. I’m especially fond of the slight climax in the middle of the story, but had hoped the ‘part‘of the movie had turned out otherwise, in which I’m sure would make the story even more interesting. Moreover, the clever narration by Morgan Freeman is an added attraction to the movie.

No doubt this is an excellent film, but I don’t find this film as great as its reputable. Probably, due to the reason that there are many other films being produced during the period from when this film is produced until the day i actually watched it. The reason being said so is because as the film goes on, I could find other films that i find certain similarities in terms of character portrayal, the theme and so on.

Overall, this is a well made movie which has a meaningful message towards the end of the film. Even so, I supposed such a classical movie would prove to be worthwhile to watch if you are an avid movie fan. How I wished that I could have come across this film much earlier which I’m sure it would an altogether a different experience

Tell me what you think.

My rating 8.5/10

IMDB rating 9.2/10

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