Legend of The Guardian: The Owls Of Ga’Hoole


There… This sort of movie is not exactly in my list of ‘must-watch’ movies.. But my friend said it’s nice if you watch it in 3D. Unfortunately, after being ‘conned’ several times by movies like Resident Evil: Afterlife and Step-Up 3D.. I’ve decided to go for the cheaper ticket, so I wouldn’t come out of the cinema feeling like an idiot.



There this naive little  owl, Soren and his brother Kludd was kidnapped by the evil forces of St.Angie’s where orphaned owls are turned into their soldiers. Soren escaped and with the help of his friends, they are off to find the Guardian living in the tree of Ga’Hoole.


Ok  how do I start.. ?? Let's just start with what annoys me the most in the entire movie. These owls have practically been very strong British accent that got me struggling to make out what they're trying to say. I checked and found out that this movie is actually made in the US so why is the accent necessary?

The storyline and the movie plot is something that I have always looked forward to into , no matter what kind of movie it is, if the plot doesn’t seem impressive enough then I think the film would surely be a let-down. That’s MY opinion.

However, the plot I must say.. does not impress me at all.. It’s so dull and boring that I nearly fell asleep inside the cinema. I think anyone of you could have figured the whole course of the movie by the time you sit in there for about 20 minutes. However, it would still serve as an entertainment as a family-film.

Next, it’s about the CGI effects. The computer effects are quite detailed and stunning (if you watch it in 3D). As for normal screen, I find it acceptable when it comes to the owls and the environment and sort, it’s been an easy job for the movie industry these days. Even so there are parts of the movie, which could have been made better in order to improvise the movie.

Finally, it’s a movie that I would suggest friends or couples to watch, but if you have a family with children then this movie will serve it’s purpose.


My Rating 6/10

IMDB Rating 7.3/10

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